
Alesha, why in thy name?

I mildly like the new Alesha Dixon song "The boy does nothing". It is finally a success for my favourite Mis-Teeq (actually, when Mis-Teeq was still a band I didn't really have a favourite). You can't spend your afternoon in a public place without hearing it at least once an hour. A great song to shake your booty that is... Mind you it's an almost impossible thing to do when you're waiting for a doctor's appointment. Slightly move my feet was the best I could do anyway!

What I wanted to say is I much preferred her earlier work. Her previous album was never released and the song "Knock Down" was really great. It features the lyrics "Woowoowoowoowoh", "Ohohohohohoho" and "Ahahahahahaha". Brilliant! The dance routines were superb too and none of this average mambo sh***t."Lipstick" wasn't bad either. I guess her genius had to be taken down a notch for the general public. Shame that!

I can prove my point... now!

Here is "Knock Down" followed by "Lipstick". [the future is really amazing]


This is Gaga in full soft-porn/weirdness mode. I can't say what confuses me the most about this video but what I know is that when Lady Gaga puts her sequinned pants on top of her tights, she means business. And this video IS busy: too much makeup, too many hair extensions, too many outrageous outfits, too many pouty dancers, too many dance moves rescued from the 80's, too much, too much, too much. But I wouldn't expect anything else from the newly crowned princess of pop. Bring it on Gaga and don't skip on the nasty!!!


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Thanx guys.
:: salesgirl ::


bb boys

Performance from the french boys rock band BB Brunes at the french music awards.

The singer even winks at the band Naast (their archenemy in the rocknroll world) who seem to have disappeared from the face of the earth when their lead singer stuck a fork in the eye of one of his rivals. Ouch, that's gotta hurt!


if you seek Amy

This is the new Britney video. I'm not quite sure what message she wants to send with it or if there even is a message. Anywho, it's Briney so I love it! I mean, who doesn't?

Also: Great shoes!!!!