First I wanna say that I LOVE Moscow. It's a great city and it's huge (as I already told you). I have also been to Saint-Petersbourg for 4 days and it is a really different city (still huge) but it has a special atmosphere. First, it kept all its historical buildings (especially churches). They were protected during soviet times unlike historical places in Moscow that were torn to pieces in the name of communism.
That is why Saint-Petersbourg has a feel of authenticity (even though it has been created artificially in 1703) and the weight of history laying on its shoulders. The place is solemn and I believe it still looks a lot like Peter the Great wanted it.

For all these reasons, Saint-Petersbourg is one of the most beautiful cities in the World but that is also for all these reasons that I felt so out of place there. I felt that this wonderful town was a bit to clever for me. A bit too deep. A bit too serious. A bit too solemn.
I felt better in Moscow. I felt at ease. I didn't have to think too much, just appreciate the fast paced city and all the little things (good or bad) that it is willing to show you: a beautiful colorful church hidden behind a huge communist building, a bunch of city workers taking a cigarette break on the grass, the "Lushkov" toilets named after the Mayor with their little toilet ladies... Just everyday life. I have fond memories of Moscow where I could be free (but I guess you have to afford it).

:: listening to Nelly Furtado "Say it right"
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