I've always been a fan of Final Fantasy.
I remember when I got my first Playstation and a friend of mine gave me Final Fantasy VII. At first, I was puzzled by this huge game (it was 4 CDs!!! HUGE!!!). I didn't really know RPGs by then. My first games where Tomb Raider (yeah the first one, so pixelated when you think of it!!!) and Abe's Odyssee (Still great fun!) and I didn't quite know what to think of this little blond dude running around talking to people.
All the reading involved was kinda weird. But I got hooked on the stuff, it got better and better. The battles, the characters (Tifa, Aeris, Barrett, Cloud, etc) they all won me over as well as the cuteness! Oh yeah, the FF series is a big provider of cuteness!!! Just look at the Moogles in FFIX, nuff said...
That is how the love story began between Final Fantasy and me. And I caught myself reminiscing about those first sensations now that the release of FFXII is just around the corner. I was just wondering, will it ever be that good? As good as these first hours I played? As good as these white nights back in 1998 when I was a busy student playing in my flat until 5am?
Probably not... but you know what? I will still get it and have lots of fun.
PS: You can also add Resident Evil II to FFVII as one of my most enjoyed games of all times.
9 years ago
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