

I know my teenage years are way over and if I could I would but I couldn't help but get hooked on the Plastiscines' new record About love. Every one of the songs of this album is driving me nuts enough to jump and dance on my seat with a giant smile on my face.
The reason for this is that they remind me of a sound I particularly like (dirty guitars and crystal clear voice with punky back vocals) and that I experienced last with the indefinitely on-hiatus riot grrrls of Sleater-Kinney. The Hot Rock is such a great album. And to think I almost forgot. Thanks Plastiscines for reminding me!

Plastiscines "Barcelona"


Sleater-Kinney "Start Together"


blast from the past

I forgot that Luscious Jackson was once my favorite band and I also forgot how their music was AMAZING!!!

This band from the 90's, backed up by The Beasties Boys who took them onboard their label Grand Royal, with a really great street sound that mixed all kinds of music pop, hip-hop, mellow, jazzy rock and what-not blew my mind one day when I stumbled upon "Naked Eye" on TV.

The side-projects of each member of the band (Kostars, Dusty Trails) was also of great quality and Jill Cunniff (only the most amazing voice on the planet) released a great solo album a few years back.

And to think I almost forgot that makes me a little sad...


Naked Eye
Under your Skin

Kostars "Never So Lonely"

Jill Cunniff "Lazy Girls"