
Materrazzi terroristi

I believe it is frog n°10 who headbutted spaghetto n°23 for an obviously mysterious insult baked by a professionnal (ie spaghetto n°23).

It was a really good match, there was tension, drama and a hint of regret (with no happy ending) like in all the good movies.

Zidane, it wasn't a good thing you did but I don't blame you. You must have your reasons and after all you're only human. Trezeguet you are a cutie so I can't be mad at you for screwing this penalty (after all it was exactly the same one as Zidane's except you didn't have his luck).

There had to be a winner and we already had our turn so the World Cup winners are the Italians. Although, Materazzi probably doesn't deserve it as much as the others (although we will never know what he said), the Italians did well. Congratulations to them!

:: listening to Girls Aloud "The Show"

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